These days, hormone imbalance has become very common. It affects various functions performed by a human body. It makes a person to feel moody and lazy. For well-being of a person it is very important to know the functions of a hormone.
A human body produces various kinds of hormones including DHEA (produces sexual hormones), testosterone (reduces aging symptoms), estrogen (makes changes during puberty), Progesterone (helps in reproduction), growth hormone (develops tissues and organs), cortisol (reduces inflammation), and Thyroid hormone (helps in metabolism).
Hormonal changes will be more in women compared to men. In women, during menopause stage a lot of hormonal changes occur in her body. At this phase, some women feels hormone therapy is one of the best treatments to reduce the problems.
If you are looking for a biodentical hormone therapy, please visit Advanced biodentical hormone therapy clinic at Houston, Bryan/College Station or Austin. It replaces the depleted hormones which does not produce enough amounts required for the body.
Bioidentical hormones contain the same chemical structure as the natural hormones present in a human body. They are made from natural resources like yams, soy, plants, and animal products etc. So the side effects are less compared to other treatments and gives effective results.
Natural ways to control hormonal imbalance
A woman can overcome hormone imbalance problems and attain a healthy life by making few changes in their lifestyle.
- Eat vegetables – An enzyme known as indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is present in Cruciferous vegetables including cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi as well as cabbage. It produces DIM (diindolylmethane), which helps to change estrogen levels.
- Maintaining weight – Increase in the fat levels in a body produces more estrogens. Doing physical activity daily will reduce the over production of such hormones.
- Taking hormone balancing diet – Some foods helps to balance your hormones. They are beans, soy, peas, bean sprouts, sunflower as well as flax seeds. Adding them in your diet helps to ease your life.
Some of them choose ayurvedic medicines like shatavari, which is made with natural herbs. It helps to get relief from mood swings, irritation and hot flashes. Also, there are some other remedies, which are helpful in PMS.
In addition to this, doing breathing exercise and mediation helps for the efficient functioning of a body. Hormonal symptoms vary from one person to the other. If you are suffering with hormonal fluctuations from many years, then you need to visit a doctor before the condition becomes worse.